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Our Services

Articulate Speech Pathology offer face-to-face services across multiple settings including Clinic, Home, Pre-school and School, Community (such as a café), and other settings including Supported Independent Living and Out-of-Home care. We also offer teletherapy services including video calls (such as Zoom) or Phone consults. Online services allow you to be located in anywhere (including overseas). All you need is a device and internet connection!
We offer holistic and individualised assessment and intervention services to both adults and children. If your requirements are not listed below, please give us a call to discuss your options.


How we say and use sounds:
Articulation - How we produce individual sounds
Phonology – How we use sounds in words
Dyspraxia – Motor Planning and coordination of the face, mouth and tongue

How to use and understand words we know in a social setting:
Receptive - Our understanding
Expressive - Our use of words
Pragmatic - Language in social settings


Reading - The ability to read words, sentences and large bodies of texts and understand what was read.
Writing – The words and sentences we write to express ourselves including spelling and grammar.


Strategies to assist with understanding and using words for those who are hard of hearing or deaf.


How we use our voice including breath support, pitch, loudness, tone and quality.


Strategies to manage pain or difficulties when chewing or swallowing

Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

Using other ways to communicate such as sign language (AUSLAN), visuals (relatable photographs or symbols) and technology (dedicated communication devices or applications).

Used to assist adults, parents and early childhood educators in identifying people who may require additional support, and those that may need a full speech and language assessment.

Digital Therapy

Live online or recorded video training sessions for continuity of service and education during lockdown and for those in remote or non-local areas.

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